Tuesday 31 May 2011

adakah demokrasi salah satu dari agenda puak freemason untuk memecahbelahkan islam??

Illuminati dan sejarah Melayu

Illuminati dan sejarah Melayu

Artikel ini mungkin agak femes, tapi saya percaya mungkin ada yang pelum baca.....


Untuk kali ini saya ingin mengulas tentang budaya komunis dalam perjuangan kita dalam usaha membangkitkan Islam dari Timur.

Sesungguhnya golongan freemason Illuminati ini mempunyai agenda dan rancangan yang hebat untuk memastikan mereka menjadi Tuhan kepada dunia ini.

Ketika pengaruh Islam semakin lama semakin subur di Asia Tenggara,para Mufti Iblis Illuminati semakin risau dengan perkembangan ini.

Pada zaman dahulu ketika masyarakat Eropah masih tidak mengetahui tentang dunia Nusantara kecuali dari manuskrip-manuskrip purba di Perpustakaan Diraja Iskandariah (Alexandria Library),terdapat banyak mitos tentang dunia sebelah sini.
Namun Dajjal telah lama tahu tentang Dunia Melayu ini dan ke mana keturunan Rasullullah s.a.w memulakan kehidupan baru mereka.

Melalui perjumpaan-perjumpaan rahsia para penyembah Iblis,Dajjal The AntiChrist telah memaklumkan kepada raja-raja Eropah (kerabat diraja Eropah sememangnya diketahui taksub dengan kelompok-kelompok rahsia dan amalan sihir) di dalam 'inner circle' supaya cepat-cepat membiayai ekspedisi-ekspedisi ke Timur.

Tujuannya ialah:


Raja-raja Eropah pun bertungkus-lumus memajukan teknologi perkapalan mereka dan merekrut ramai anak kapal.

Walaupun Portugis telah berjaya bertapak di Melaka,namun mereka begitu sukar hendak meluaskan pengaruhnya di seluruh Tanah Melayu,ini kerana tentangan sengit daripada pelbagai penjuru seperti dari Kerajaan Johor-Riau,kerajaan-kerajaan kecil di Tanah Melayu dan Kerajaan Acheh begitu sukar buat mereka meluaskan pengaruh.

Orang-orang Melayu di Tanah Melayu lebih baik sedikit dari kepulauan Indonesia dari segi perpaduan,ini kerana di Indonesia,suku kaumnya lebih kompleks dan ragam bahasanya lebih banyak.Ini yang membuatkan Belanda lebih mudah menjajah Indonesia.

Tetapi teori ini tidak boleh dipakai di Tanah Melayu.Komposisi kaum di Tanah Melayu perlu dirumitkan supaya teknik 'Divide and Rule' dapat dilaksanakan!

Belanda juga menyerah kalah di Melaka setelah mengambilalihnya dari Portugis walaupun mereka berjaya mengendalikan Indonesia yang besar tetapi mereka masih kabur dengan keadaan di 'Semenanjung Tanduk Emas' yang begitu misteri buat mereka sebagai bangsa Eropah.Mereka cuba bertapak di Perak tetapi loji-loji mereka di Sungai Perak telah dimusnahkan.

Apa yang membuatkan mereka takut di Perak amatlah misteri.Tetapi The Hidden Hand tidak berputus asa,dia pun menghantar British (Inggeris adalah pangkalan terhebat dan terbesar The Hidden Hand ketika itu) untuk meninjau peluang untuk menguasai Tanah Melayu.Setelah mengkaji komposisi kaum dan keadaan di Tanah Melayu,wakil Illuminati Inggeris telah mengambil keputusan untuk membawa masuk ramai pekerja-pekerja Cina dan India ke Tanah Melayu.Mengapa Cina dan India?Kerana dua negara ini mempunyai tenaga manusia yang ramai dan miskin.

Memecahkan komposisi penduduk di Tanah Melayu amatlah penting untuk merealisasikan satu cabang dari prinsip Freemason-Illuminati 'Ordo Ab Chao' iaitu Divide and Rule atau Pecah dan Perintah.

Semakin ramai pekerja Cina di Tanah Melayu.Mereka banyak bekerja di tapak-tapak perlombongan ketika itu.


Di antara mereka adalah ketua-ketua dan wakil-wakil 'secret societies' Cina yang menganut faham Illuminati dan juga ejen-ejen Freemason.Merekalah yang menubuhkan pelbagai kongsi gelap bagi orang-orang Cina.

Apabila majoriti pekerja Cina sudah ramai dipecah-pecahkan untuk menyertai pelbagai kongsi gelap,inilah masanya untuk bermain api.Perebutan kawasan perlombongan cuma taktik sahaja.Contoh yang terbaik ialah di Perak,negeri yang pertama menerima residen British di Tanah Melayu.

Dua kongsi gelap terbesar iaitu Ghee Hin dan Hai San telah bertempur dalam siri Perang Larut,mengakibatkan British campur tangan di Perak.Taktik ini juga digunakan dikesemua negeri-negeri yang akhirnya menjadi Negeri-negeri Melayu Bersekutu.

Orang luar yang membuat kekacauan dan orang luar yang datang masuk menjajah.Tanpa bantuan para konspirator dari kalangan Chinese Illuminist dan tuan Eropah mereka,maka sampai kiamat pun British tidak dapat menjajah Tanah Melayu.Perhatikan,British boleh sahaja membawa angkatan perangnya menyerang Tanah Melayu sepertimana Belanda menjajah Indonesia dan Sepanyol menjajah Filipina,tetapi mengapa British bersusah payah membuat perjanjian demi perjanjian,strategi dan siasah serta mengekalkan sultan-sultan?Lihatlah taktik Illuminati-Inggeris ditempat-tempat lain.India misalnya,raja-raja Hindu dan Moghul dibunuh atau dilucutkan takhtanya dan warisan dirajanya dimusnahkan.


Raja-raja Pattani telah dikejar sehingga ke Kedah dan Perak dan dibunuh dengan kerjasama orang-orang Thai.Kesultanan Jawa juga telah ditamatkan kuasa politiknya oleh Belanda dan kini tiada apa-apa pun kepentingan sekadar wujud untuk dijadikan 'muzium hidup' di Indonesia.Kesultanan Sulu sudah lama pupus.

Cuma yang tinggal ialah Kesultanan Melayu di Tanah Melayu dan Kesultanan Brunei.Inilah dua Kesultanan Melayu yang masih gagah berdiri setelah pelbagai perancangan Illuminati-Inggeris ke atas mereka.Sementara itu di jajahan-jajahan Inggeris yang lain, pemerintah-pemerintah mereka terus dihapuskan tanpa banyak soal.

Maharaja China berjaya dihapuskan dengan mudah sekali (China tidak dijajah British secara langsung tetapi secara halus dengan anjing-anjing penjajah yang berkeliaran di sana sini merosakkan orang-orang Cina dengan candu dan menghasut mereka menggulingkan maharaja,China juga terpaksa tunduk dengan kehendak British selepas kekalahan memalukan China dalam siri Perang Candu,hanya Hong Kong dijajah British).

Dan di tempat-tempat lain seperti di Afrika dan Pasifik,kesemuanya menjadi jajahan total mereka,namun Tanah Melayu nampaknya naik sedikit darjat jajahan mereka sebagai 'negeri naungan Ratu Inggeris'.

Mengapa?Kerana Tanah Melayu masih mempunyai pemerintah.Dan Inggeris hanya mampu mengacau melalui residen-residen mereka.Tidak seperti di negara-negara lain yang dijajah secara total di mana pemerintah tempatan dihalau atau dibunuh dan Inggeris memerintah secara langsung,sultan-sultan Melayu masih mampu menulis surat kepada Ratu Inggeris dengan gelaran 'Sultan' atau 'Pemerintah' walaupun Ratu Inggeris tahu bahawa itu adalah negeri naungan British,dengan kata lain adalah jajahan mereka.


Segala-galanya dilakukan dengan amat teliti terhadap bangsa spiritual ini.Jika tersilap perancangan,maka akan terangkatlah satu kuasa misteri terahsia bangsa ini.Kuasa ini tidak boleh dikalahkan dengan seribu angkatan perang.Tidak boleh dikalahkan dengan seribu jeneral perang terlatih.

Kuasa ini boleh ditidurkan.Mengapa British tidak menghantar sahaja angkatan perangnya untuk menyuraikan perarakan-perarakan menentang Malayan Union padahal Malayan Union adalah 'masterpiece' yang telah dirancang beratus tahun sebelum itu oleh The Hidden Hand?Semata-mata perarakan sahaja boleh memadamkan hasrat Malayan Union oleh Dajjal Laknatullah?


Bangsa Melayu adalah satu bangsa bertamadun.Ini diakui oleh para penjajah mereka.Apabila mereka sampai ke dunia sebelah sini,betapa terkejutnya mereka dengan satu bangsa aneh yang telah mempunyai kerajaan sendiri,organisasi masyarakat yang tersusun,kostum dan pakaian yang kemas,cara hidup yang tersusun dan yang paling mengejutkan mereka ialah majoritinya menganut agama Islam?!Padahal kaum-kaum di sekeliling mereka hanya memakai cawat dan kurang bertamadun tetapi bangsa misteri ini telah mampu membuat kapal perang!

Mereka telah terlambat untuk menguasai satu bangsa spiritual yang akan menamatkan segala ramalan kitab-kitab kuno.Sebab itu ketika The Hidden Hand (Dajal gemar mengembara ke seluruh dunia untuk memahami karakter sesuatu bangsa) yang telah sampai dahulu di Nusantara,apabila kembali ke Eropah bertemu dengan para pembantunya di kalangan para penyembah Iblis,menceritakan satu bangsa yang menepati ramalan dalam 'Holy Scriptures'.

Sebab itu di dalam buku-buku sejarah,orang-orang Eropah berlumba-lumba mencari jalan ke Timur,dunia misteri yang diidam-idamkan oleh The Hidden Hand.Amerika,Afrika dan India bukanlah tujuan mereka.Itu adalah 'rezeki terpijak' dalam perjalanan mereka mencari bangsa misteri.Beratus tahun mereka menangani bangsa Arab sudah tentu mereka tidak mahu masalah lain bertambah jika bangsa Melayu diIslamkan.Tetapi mereka terlambat.


Sebab itu apabila Portugis menapak di Melaka,organisasi Jesuit (satu organisasi Christian Zionist yang amat licik) telah menghantar satu paderi agungnya iaitu St. Francis Xavier untuk mengkristiankan orang-orang Melayu.

Tetapi gagal.Pemerintahan Portugis yang kejam di Melaka telah menggagalkan usaha-usaha The Hidden Hand.Portugis pun dihalau dari Melaka dan digantikan oleh Belanda (Dajal tidak peduli nyawa atau kepentingan orang lain,jika tidak diperlukan maka 'habis madu sepah dibuang').

Tetapi Belanda berkelakuan amat aneh di Melaka.Tindakan-tindakan kejamnya di Indonesia tidak pula dipraktikkan di Melaka.NAMPAKNYA BANGSA MELAYU TIDAK BOLEH DILAYAN KEJAM.

Belanda dan Inggeris telah belajar dari kegagalan Portugis.Setelah mempelajari karakter bangsa Melayu,maka tahulah mereka bahawa ORANG-ORANG MELAYU LEBIH SUKAKAN DIPLOMASI DARI KEKERASAN.

SEbab itu Inggeris lebih 'beradab' melayan bangsa Melayu di Tanah Melayu berbanding bangsa-bangsa lain di jajahan-jajahan lain.Melayu nampaknya lebih di'manjakan' Inggeris terutama golongan bangsawan,para kerabat diraja dan sultan-sultan.Peristiwa pemberontakan ke atas J.W.W Birch di Perak amat-amat mengajar British supaya menghantar residen yang memahami karakter orang Melayu.

Sebab itu Hugh Low dihantar menggantikan J.W.W Birch merupakan seorang yang telah sedia mengkaji sensitiviti orang Melayu.Di satu ketika,British menggunakan kekerasan,di satu ketika tindakan British seperti ditahan-tahan.Padahal bukan susah untuk mengerahkan bala tenteranya untuk meruntuhkan takhta sultan-sultan,membunuh mereka dan memerintah Tanah Melayu dengan kekerasan seperti yang telah dilakukan di India.PIHAK INGGERIS MEMANG HENDAK MELAKUKAN BEGITU TETAPI DINASIHATKAN OLEH THE HIDDEN HAND supaya memperlahankan tindakan mereka.APA RAHSIANYA?


Melalui 'secret societies' di China dan England,Dajjal The AntiChrist telah merangka plan jangka panjang untuk menawan Nusantara.Ramai penyelidik konspirasi tahu tentang plan Illuminati-Zionis dalam merangka plan beratus tahun bagi penubuhan negara Israel,tetapi majoriti mereka masih tidak tahu tentang plan Illuminati untuk menubuhkan pangkalan di Singapura.INILAH PLAN PALING LICIK DAN TERSEMBUNYI.


Satu daripada nama kongsi gelap yang terkenal adalah Heaven and Earth Society.Nama-nama yang lain adalah seperti Hung League dan Three United Association.Freemason sememangnya telah lama berminat kepada kongsi-kongsi gelap ini malah beberapa ahli Freemason telah membuat kajian mendalam serta menulis buku mengenainya termasuk G. Schlegel (The Hung League. 1866) dan J.S.M Ward (The Hung Society. 1925).Sejarah China adalah satu sejarah berkenaan dinasti-dinasti yang memerintah dan penubuhan banyak kongsi gelap untuk menentangnya.Merentasi sejarah China,hanya satu cara untuk menentang para raja dan pemerintahan pusat iaitu melalui kongsi gelap.Kongsi gelap adalah jawapan kepada orang-orang yang tidak mempunyai kuasa,terpinggir atau teraniaya,untuk menentang penindasan atau apa jua yang mengakibatkan kesedihan dan malapetaka kepada kehidupan mereka.

Mereka tidak pernah kekurangan anggota dalam kongsi gelap dan tidak juga kekurangan alasan untuk memujuk orang-orang miskin dan tertindas untuk menyertai kongsi-kongsi gelap.Berbeza dengan 'secret societies' di Eropah dimana umumnya ahlinya terdiri dari golongan pertengahan dan elit,kongsi-kongsi gelap Cina adalah terdiri daripada orang-orang miskin dan bawahan.Bilangan rakyat China yang ramai adalah sebab utama 'The Hidden Hand' mahu mempergunakan orang-orang Cina.Mereka dijadikan 'pawn of the game' dalam usaha 'The Hidden Hand' mahu menubuhkan pangkalannya di Singapura.


Jika peperangan terjadi,orang-orang Cina yang akan terbunuh dahulu dengan segala AMUK DAN PARANG TERBANG Melayu.Bangsa kesayangan The Hidden Hand,Yahudi Zionis dan hamba kesayangannya,Christian Zionist (Freemason sebagai contoh) sudah pasti terselamat dari amukan orang-orang Melayu dan sempat melarikan diri sambil memijak mayat-mayat orang-orang Cina sebelum merancang pelbagai plan untuk membuat 'counter attack'.


Orang-orang Melayu adalah satu bangsa yang suka MEMENDAM RASA.Sikap mereka misteri dan pendiam.Mereka tidak suka mencetuskan kekacauan serta-merta jika mereka diganggu,diprovok atau diusik sensitiviti mereka.TETAPI MEREKA AKAN MEMENDAM PERASAAN DEMI PERASAAN DENDAM MEREKA sehingga ke tahap kritikal dan 'psycho'.Apabila sampai satu tahap,ALTER AMUK mereka akan meletus.Inilah yang cuba dihindarkan setiap penjajah mereka.Dari mana perkataan 'amok' dalam bahasa Inggeris diambil?Lihat,bahasa Inggeris terpaksa meminjam perkataan 'amuk' dari bahasa Melayu untuk menerangkan fenomena ini disebabkan mereka tidak mempunyai konotasi yang tepat dari bahasa mereka untuk menjelaskan jenis psikologi ini.

Alter amuk adalah seolah-olah ekslusif untuk bangsa Melayu walaupun semua manusia turut mengamuk jika berada pada tahap tertentu.JIka kita lihat di Barat,sudah menjadi trend para pelajar yang dibuli atau menghadapi tekanan perasaan yang teruk untuk memikul senjata menembak secara rambang ke arah pelajar-pelajar lain.Tetapi setiap orang Melayu tulen amnya menyimpan alter berbahaya ini.Istimewanya,mereka pandai mengawal dan menggunakannya.Jika tidak,sudah tentu tidak ada seorang pun Cina atau India rasis dan kauvinis dapat hidup di bumi mereka.


Ingat,orang-orang Melayu sukakan diplomasi dari kekerasan.Inilah salah satu hasil kesimpulan Francis Light,Stamford Raffles atau Frank Swettenham dari pengalaman mereka di Tanah Melayu.

Kongsi-kongsi gelap semakin popular di kalangan orang-orang Cina di Tanah Melayu.Pertamanya,majoriti orang-orang Cina yang dibawa ke Tanah Melayu terdiri dan rakyat bawahan yang miskin dan melarat,jadi kongsi gelaplah harapan mereka untuk mengadu segala masalah kehidupan mereka ketika di perantauan.

Mereka dapat berkongsi suka duka bersama dan masalah yang sama di dalam kongsi-kongsi gelap ini.Keduanya,siapa yang menjadi ejen British di China bagi urusan membekalkan orang-orang Cina ke Nusantara (perlu diingat di tempat-tempat lain di Kepulauan Melayu contohnya di Indonesia juga menghadapi keadaan yang sama),khasnya di Tanah Melayu?

Mereka adalah juga KONGSI-KONGSI GELAP INI.Merekalah ejen-ejen yang bekerja mengumpulkan orang-orang Cina dari wilayah-wilayah miskin yang tidak mempunyai harapan terhadap tanahair mereka yang penuh kekacauan dan pemberontakan untuk disumbat ke dalam tongkang-tongkang ke syurga perdagangan di Singapura dan Tanah Melayu.

Semua ini berjalan lancar lebih-lebih lagi selepas kerajaan China terpaksa menandatangani perjanjian dengan pihak British untuk membenarkan Illuiminati Inggeris 'menculik' rakyat China untuk memecahkan komposisi kaum di Tanah Melayu dan menubuhkan pangkalan Yahudi di Singapura.

Rakyat China miskin yang 'innocent' tidak mengetahui apa-apa perancangan Yahudi dan Kristian Zionis ke atas mereka.Orang-orang Cina yang paling malang adalah yang terlibat dalam tragedi 13 Mei,menjadi korban mudah Illuminati dan Zionis,mati dalam keadaan keliru dan menyedihkan.Juga para pegawai istana serta maharaja mereka yang telah lama menghidu taktik Barat,juga tidak bersalah dalam hal ini malah mereka juga menjadi korban para penyembah syaitan Illuminati.

Budaya-budaya komunism ini juga cuba di selitkan dalam perjuangan tentera fisabilillah. Tentanglah komunism ini dari menular dalam perjuangan kita! Jangan berpecah belah kembalilah ke pangkal jalan... ke jalan putih yang sebenar. Duit adalah dewa yang digunakan dalam kongsi gelap, kenapa perlu ikut budaya komunis cina sedangkan kita lebih hebat dari mereka?

Perjuangan kita kerana Allah bukan kerana Duit.

jutaan terimakasih kepada penulis blog ini.. 
aku cuma menjadi medium untuk menyampaikan kepada hambaNya yg ingin mencari kebenaran..


Wednesday 25 May 2011

sambungan cerita melayu

The story of the Malays.
Chinese businesses in Southeast Asia expanded. Very soon they were building ships for inter-island trade  and trade with China. As a result, more Southeast Asian locals lost their role in trade as Chinese junks replaced the ships of the Malays. Chinese influence also grew when they were able to offer their services to the local Rulers. At their suggestion, the Rulers farmed out the task of tax collection to them to take advantage of their efficiency and larger sums that they were able to collect. Next, they were licensed to operate the opium, nutmeg, pepper and other monopolies. As the Chinese expanded their businesses their participation in administrative activities also increased, and the locals retreated further. Meanwhile, the superior skills of the Chinese in various crafts put the local craftsmen out of business. When the Chinese in the Philippines were expelled, the Spanish colonialists, the Mestizos and the locals elites found themselves without shoes and other basic goods. Now indispensable, the Chinese had to be back.
It was the same in the Dutch East Indies, Siam, Burma, Malaya and Indochina. Everywhere the Europeans established their colonies. The Chinese moved in as middlemen in business and provided good craftsmen who were able to needs of the European and local communities. In time the number of Chinese so increased that their assimilation was no longer possible. When they brought their woman with them, intermarriage with the local stopped. Chinatowns started to become a feature of almost every urban area in Southeast Asia. The Chinese community’s usefulness ensured its protection by the European colonial powers as well as by the local Rulers.
The Indians and the Arabs, however, behaved differently. Their communities were never big nor did they encroach into the trading activities of the locals. They tended to blended with the locals and to intermarry when they wished to settle. They would eventually forget their own languages completely and would identify fully with the locals, whether they were Malays, Sumatrans, Javanese or the numerous tribes found in the eastern islands of the Malay Archipelago. When the Arabs and the Indians Muslims introduced Islam, no animosity was provoked as there was no forcible conversion of the indigenous people. Much of the missionary work was carried out by local converts. The Europeans also behaved differently, arriving not in trading ships but in armed merchantmen. Nor did they believe in free trade. One of the Rulers of Macassar-now Ujung Padang in Indonesia-had to point out to the Dutch that ‘God made the land and the sea; the land divided among men and the sea he gave in common. It has never been heard that anyone be forbidden to sail the seas. European nation wanted monopolies and so began by setting up fortified trading stations. Eventually, as a final solution, they conquered their trading partners to ensure supply and exclusivity.
Among the Europeans, the Spanish, and to a lesser degree the Portuguese, believed it was God-given task to Christianise the locals. In spain, after the re-conquestby the Catholics, Muslims and Jews who had been forcibly converted ha to prove the genuineness of their conversion by eating pork. The same occurred in Southeast Asia. In this way, the Christian converts in the Philippines were also separated from the Muslims. It is only lately that the Filipinos have learnt to respect the Muslims aversion to pork. But the schism between Christians and Muslims remained very deep and has become a cause for conflict and war among the Filipinos. Since it was the Chinese who converted to Chiristianity more readily, they would to get on better with the Europeans in the colonies. Changed religious belief caused no division within the Chinese community, nor were the Chinese active in spreading their own religions. The locals, whether Muslims or Christian, were much more tolerant of the Chinese than they were of each other.
To varying degrees, this was also the situation in the states of the Malay Peninsula and the British colonies of Singapore, Malacca, Penang. With the exception of Singapore, the Malay Peninsula had the largest number of Chinese immigrants anywhere in Southeast Asia. Their inflow was encouraged by the British, and the ethno-demographic consequences of that fact persist until the present day.

To be continued
Ref: A doctor in the house
       Memoirs of Tun dr Mahathir bin Mohamad
     Anak melayu.

Saturday 21 May 2011

sambungan cerita melayu..

The story of the Malays.

The Malay states of the archipelago and the peninsula flourished through trade. Situated on the sea routes between east and west, they benefited from the passage of trading vessels calling at their ports to replenish and water. The region produced spices, scented wood and various gums from forest trees, which were much in demand by the foreigners. Trade with the merchants of China, India and Arabia developed, bring prosperity the numerous principalities on the sea coast.
The first of these entrepot ports was Fu-Nan in the gulf of Siam. It was already thriving commercial centre in the second century CE. Strategically located, it was accessible by land to ports on the west coast of the Isthmus of Kra, where goods from India, Arabia and even Mediterranean countries landed. The overland route to Fu-Nan was preferred because the voyage down the coast of the Malay Peninsula was very long and the sea there was infested with pirates. Because of this, the exchange and sale of goods from China, India the Arabian Peninsula, and the Southeast Asian islands took place in Fu-Nan. From there, Chinese ships would carry goods back to China, while the Malays ships took their to the budding entrepot ports in Southeast Asia. Later the ethnic Malay traders from the archipelago bypassed Fu-Nan and sailed on to China. According to European records their ships weighed more than 200 tonnes, clearly the creation of master shipbuilders. Chinese traders did the same and sailed to ports in Southeast Asia. Fu-Nan went into decline and in its place, the great entrepot ports of Java, Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula developed.
All these trading ships, and later those that came to Southeast Asia from Europe, sailed with the help of the monsoonal or ‘trade’ winds. They were dependent upon these biannual wind patterns because naval architecture of the time did not allow the traders to build ships capable of ‘tracking into’ or sailing against, the prevailing wind. So the ships from China, India, Arabia and the outlying southeast Asian islands had to remain in the port at their destination for almost half a year, waiting for the wind to change and blow them back to their homelands.
The enforced stay of traders of many nationalities gave these ports an international or cosmopolitan flavour. Their human diversity enriched the culture of the region’s states and cities. In its heyday, Malacca had the populations of 100,000- at that time when the population of London was about 200,000. Sometimes the rulers of these port cities also involved themselves in trading activities, naturally giving themselves various privileges above those of their own subjects. This was not unusual in those days, when European royalty in the same area also used to invest in the trading expeditions of their merchants. A taste or inclination for trade has remained characteristic of a number of tqhe ruling families of the region. In modern Malaysia, for example, the royal family of Negeri Sembilan has become one of the nation’s major corporate and entrepreneurial forces.

The commercial life and success of these maritime trading port required great administrative skills among their local ruling classes. Competition was keen as new port emerged, always seeking to attract canny traders through better security, efficiency and the fairness of the Rulers of the states. In the administration of entrepot ports, some foreigners played functional roles in governing foreign merchant communities and overseeing port activities. But the life of the maritime port city remained under overall supervision of the local ruler, together with his close family and associates. They had to maintain the success of the city as a trading centre, or else other Rulers would seize the opportunity to build their own port. Taxes and dues   were levied by the Ruler’s administration, but care was taken that they did not become excessive and drive the traders away. The same approach is evident in Malaysia today; far from new, the business-friendly attitude of Malaysian government has deep cultural origins and historical precedent. The competing entrepot ports of Southeast Asia set out to be attractive to foreigners long before modern Malaysia was ever imagined.
In the early fifteenth century CE, the new entrepot of Malacca was founded on the west coast of the Malay Peninsula. There were already ports in Kedah and Perak, and in Terengganu the east coast. But these were small and not successful or as well administered as Malacca. The Hindu prince Parameswara, who founded Malacca, and his successors were far more astute. Parameswara built an entrepot port at the mouth of the Malacca River. Coming from Palembang, part of the powerful Sri Vijaya empire,  he saw how wealth had been created through providing port facilities and the exchange of goods at entrepot ports. The Malays of Malacca adapted easily as they were an urban people. The city was surrounded by forest and there was little cultivated land. Evidently, the Malays in those days thrived in a trade-based urban economy. It was only later that they were driven into the countryside as peasants.
Beginning with Parameswara, who founded Malacca in 1400, the Rulers of Malacca built up a sound administration, providing laws for both land abd sea. The Ruler managed the city’s affairs through his high officers headed by bendahara (Prime Minister or Chief Minister), a shahbandar (harbor master), and various panglima (generals or commanders) and laksamana (admirals). In Malacca, as in Sri Vijaya, success was due to Malay nautical skills and organizing abilities. Location also played a role, as it did later with Singapore. But without the right human talent and abilities – or social infrastructure as we would now say – location by itself was no guarantee of commercial success.
Of the foreign traders, the most numerous were the Chinese. They were everywhere, from Manila in the Philippines to Aceh in North Sumatra. Like all the traders, they did not bring their women along, and as a result many married locals. When their numbers were small they assimilated, adopting the language, culture and religion of the locals. This locally integrated Chinese community was favoured by Chinese mainland traders when making commercial transaction in the region. Some of these mixed and locally assimilated Chinese became involved in the cultivation of cash crops. In the Philippines, Java and elsewhere, as their numbers increased, they tended to keep more of their Chinese character. They gradually became a separate component of society, distinct from the local people.

When the Europeans came to Southeast Asia in the sixteenth century CE they introduced a monopolistic trade culture. Under these arrangements the Chinese traders and settlers took on a greater role since it was they who collected various kinds of produce from the local people and supplied them to the European traders. Close and strong connections were also formed from the high level of intermarriage between Spanish traders and Chinese woman. A Spanish/Chinese Mestizo community soon emerged and the Spanish and the Chinese naturally gravitated towards them. Gradually, as the Chinese Mestizo communities in Southeast Asia began to take away the business of the locals, tensions grew between the two groups. In the Philippines and Java, clashes took place and many Chinese were killed. Conflict arose now and then, but the business potential of the Southeast Asian entrepot port and their hinterland was so great that, as soon as things settled down again, the Chinese would come back.
                                                                      To be continued

Tun Mahathir Mohamad

sheikh imran hosein

Friday 20 May 2011

I am Malay..


When I became Prime Minister in 1981, Malaysia had a population of 13 million, of whom seven million were Malays. Today the population is 25 million, nearly twice the number in 1981. The proportion of Malays has increased somewhat but their contribution is not commensurate with their number. They have responded to my appeal to play a bigger role in the development of this country but they need to do more. People in developing countries all over the world speak highly of the rate of malaysia’s progress. I am proud, but it is a pride tinged with sadness. We can do better. The Malays can do better. I know they can. In retirement, apart from appealing to them, I can do very little. I pray, but I know that ALLAH will not change the fate of any people UNLESS they seriously attempt to change it themselves.
I worry about the Malay’s and fear for their future, but that does not change the fact that  I am proud to be a Malay. I would not want to be anything else. In earlier time a Roman, wherever  he went in the world, was always proud to declare himself a Roman citizen. For my part I wanted to be able to go anywhere in the world and say with equal pride, ‘I am a Malay’.

Tun dr Mahathir bin Mohamad

Ref: A doctor in the house.
        The memoirs of Tun dr Mahathir Mohamad.

                             The story of the Malays.

To understand the Malays were need first to examine their origins and the journey they have taken to reach they are today. I began my study early, knowing that if I was to champion their cause, I would need to know them more intimately.
What I had been taught in school was very sketchy. Apart from text books, I read books on Malayan history by British administrators such as Sir Richard Winstedt Sir frank Swettenham and many academics. I also read the Sejarah Melayu or Malay Annals, the Hikayat Hang Tuah ang Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa. In world story, the Malays are mentions in documents going as far back as the time of Alexander the Great.  Ptolemy, the Greek astronomer and mathematician of the first century of the Commen Era, referred to the Peninsula as the ‘Golden Chersonese’. To the Indians it was Suvarnadvipa, ‘the Golden Peninsula’. The Portuguese apothecary Tome pires wrote that Malacca was of such importance and profit that it had not equal in the world. The peninsula had a reputation for being rich in gold.
From these reading I discovered that the Malay people who inhabited the peninsula form ancient times were believed to have made their way there from southern China. To this day they are people of the same physiognomy in the Yunnan Province of China. They apparently emigrated down to the peninsula, which formed the southernmost part of the Asian land mass. Some even crossed the seas to the island of the huge archipelago, which has today become the Republic of Indonesia and the Philippines. Others apparently traversed vast oceans to settle in the Easter islands, Hawaii and Madagascar.
Eventually, the Malays people developed a complex and distinctive civilization based upon the institution of hereditary ruler who set up principalities. Apart of indigenous animism, the inhabitants were also influenced by Hindu and Buddhist religions and culture of India. Indian merchants had voyaged to the peninsula from as early as 1,700 years ago, and they brought with them the ideas of Hindu-Buddhist teachings. These elevated the princely rulers to the status of god-like kings who commanded the complete obedience of their subjects. Life centred upon the court of Raja, the hereditary ruler. His god-like status was enhanced by elaborate rituals and ceremonies. His subject  even the most senior members of court literally had to crawl on all fours to make obeisance to him.
The remained the situation until the arrival of Islam in the region. Islam did not so much replace the Hindu-Buddhist cultural world as graft itself upon that older social order. But it also introduced changes. Far from subscribing to the caste system which had become common practice, Islam preached equality before god. It must have been difficult for the Malays Rajas in the peninsula and the archipelago to accept this egalitarian principle, but the Muslim traders from Arabian peninsula and India who introduced Islam into the region were rich, successful and intelligent, and therefore very influential. Especially since the goods they brought were highly sought after by the Malays. With certain exceptions, they were willing to accept Islam’s moral egalitarianism, even while maintaining much of their old ways.
The Rajas traded jungle produce gathered by their subject for the silk, lacquer ware, brassware, gold and so on that the traders brought. Personal relationship must have developed (as they do even today) between the rich traders and the Malay Rajas. Eventually most of the Malays Rajas converted to Islam, interpreted in a way that maintained their high positions and most of the old court practice. But they ceased to claim that they were gods and accepted that like everyone else, they were ‘Hamba Allah’, the ‘slaves of Allah’. While it was a big step down for them, they remained the anointed group.

To be continued
Ref: A doctor in the house
       Memoirs of Tun dr Mahathir bin Mohamad

Sebelum berjuang kenal dulu kelemahan dan kekuatan kita wahai melayu..
Melayu pernah dikenali dunia.. dimanakah momentem kebangkitan melayu selama ini?
Panjang lg cerita melayu ni.. hangpa tunggu la noh.. nnt aku update lg..

Asalammulaikom w.r.t
Anak melayu.